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New Patients

How to register

At Roseneath Medical Practice we welcome requests for registration for patients moving into our practice area

If you live within our catchment area and would like to register with the practice, please complete the two following forms:

  • GMS1W form - please complete all areas of the form which are relevant to you. Once you have completed your form, please ensure that you sign the bottom left hand corner before submitting to the practice (we cannot accept unsigned forms). 
  • New patient questionnaire - this form must also be completed fully before returning to the practice. 

Alternatively, if you do not have access to a printer, you can collect a copy of our registration pack from Reception. 

Once you have completed the above forms, please submit them to our reception team along with:

  • Proof of your address - Dated within the last 3 months.
  • Photo ID such as a passport or driving licence. 
  • A recent copy of your repeat prescription if you are on regular medication - We would advise that before changing doctors surgeries, it is helpful to obtain at least one months supply of medication to cover you whilst we are registering you with our practice. To find out how to order repeat medication once you are registered with us, click HERE
  • Your NHS number - This is a 10-digit number, such as 456 789 1011. Your NHS number can be located on most documents sent to you by the NHS such as hospital clinic letters, prescriptions, hospital appointment letters etc. If you are unable to locate your NHS Number, please contact your previous practice who will be able to advise. 

Contact Information and Consent

Our Practice uses a variety of methods to contact you, these include letter, email, text and telephone. 

The systems that we use are secure and allow us to proactively contact patients regarding the following: 

  • Regarding test results. 
  • Reminders such as when your annual review is due. 
  • To request that you contact the surgery. 
  • To contact you if your appointment needs to be rescheduled. 
  • To update you regarding services that are available at the practice.  

By providing us with your mobile number and email address, we automatically assume that you consent to us contacting you via text and email. 

Should you wish to opt out of receiving texts or email at any time, please let our Reception Team know by calling 01244 550555. We will only contact you if it is necessary. 

Please Note - If you move to a new address outside our Practice Catchment Area, you will need to register with another practice. 

We also encourage all patients to be aware of our Zero Tolerance page. This page outlines the Practices policy on violent or abusive behaviour towards other patients and staff members. 

Unfortunately there are circumstances which may result in a person being removed after registration and these are:

  • Violent/aggressive behaviour, both verbal and physical.
  • Damage to or theft from the practice premises.
  • Smoking or the consumption of alcohol/illicit drugs on the premises or attending in an inebriated state.
  • Recurrent non-attendance of appointments.
  • Any other behaviour that significantly affect the Doctor patient relationship.

Areas of our website that you may find useful:


